When to get Your Attic Insulation Replaced

Attic insulation is a vital component that helps with the energy efficiency of your home. It regulates moisture levels inside the house, helps block out noise, keeps cold air in during the summer, and keeps your home toasty and warm during cold weather.

Over time, the state of the insulation in your attic space can deteriorate. This could lead to a range of problems, including higher average costs on energy bills and inconsistencies at room temperature. The cost to replace attic insulation can be made up in home energy savings over the course of a few years. If you hire a professional insulation company like us, your new insulation can last up to 30 years.

Out with the Old: Signs Your Attic Insulation Needs Replacement

How often should attic insulation be replaced? That depends heavily on whether or not it is already showing signs of deterioration. If you just moved into an older home, your insulation could already be showing signs of damage. Here are some signs that you may need to replace the insulation in your attic:

Pest Infestation

A worn out or damaged attic insulation can serve as a cozy and nice home for mice and other pests. They may leave waste behind if they are using the old insulation as a nest. If you suspect insects or rodents living in your attic, consider having a professional pest inspection before you have any new insulation installed.

Poor Climate Controlold-attic-insulation

Home insulation acts as the main barrier between the weather outside and the indoor temperature. If the insulation material is damaged, it may be hard to regulate the temperatures inside your home. If you’re having difficulty keeping the upper floors of your house warm in the winter and cool in the summer, you may have a problem with your attic insulation. On top of that, you may have an issue with your attic if you feel a draft, but are unsure of its source or origin.


When the insulation in your attic can no longer keep the heat in, it rises up and out, heating the roof and causing any snow to melt. Once temperatures drop, the extra water refreezes and formsicicles. You may need to overhaul your insulating material if you come across icicles during winter weather or notice frozen precipitation melting quickly on your roof.

Unusually High Energy Expenses

Maintaining the desired indoor temperature in your house requires more energy when you have warm or cool air coming into your house through the roof. If you want to regulate the temperature, your heater or air conditioning unit needs to keep running or work harder. This may lead to a high electricity bill.

Crumbling Insulation

An easy way to find out if your insulating material is way beyond its useful life is to wear an industrial glove and touch the insulation in your attic. If it crumbles, then it’s high time you replace it.

These signs should push you to consider getting the insulating material in your attic changed. Rather than replace old attic insulation yourself, let A+ Insulation handle the job. Whatever type of insulation you need, we have you covered. From Batt insulation to spray foam insulation, we offer reliable attic insulation services in Kansas City.

You can count on our experienced insulation professionals to carry out the work efficiently. They commit to completing the project on budget and on schedule. After all, we want you and your loved ones to enjoy a comfortable and consistent temperature throughout your home.

Get in touch with us today for your free, no-obligation inspection. We look forward to providing the A+ service you deserve.