Category Archives: General News

The Importance of Proper Insulation for Soundproofing

Our home and commercial insulation installers talk a lot about the energy and money savings that come with better insulation when it’s properly installed. But, if you listen closely, you’ll hear (or better yet, not hear) other benefits. Soundproofing insulation reduces noise pollution, creating peaceful, more comfortable work and home environments.

Maybe you’ve seen movies or streaming series in which the villain blasts death metal music to torture some poor soul to the point of divulging secret information. Noise. Too loud. Too often or too continuous is detrimental to our well-being, both physically and emotionally.

Creating a peaceful and comfortable environment in homes or commercial buildings requires soundproofing insulation to prevent noise pollution. Sound-proof insulation helps block sound waves from easily travelling through walls, ceilings and floors, creating a soundproof (or at least much quieter) environment.

Residential Soundproofing Insulation

When it comes to installing sound-proof insulation, here are the six most common reasons homeowners choose to make the investment:

  1. Quiet noise from outside sources. If your home is located near busy roads, airports or construction sites, etc., you probably experience high levels of noise pollution. Soundproofing insulation can help reduce the impact of these annoying sources of noise.
  2. Increase privacy. Soundproofing insulation can provide a barrier against noise transmission between rooms or floors in your house. This can be useful in homes where multiple family members live or a home office is used.
  3. Enjoy a home theater. A home theater or entertainment room requires soundproofing insulation to prevent sound from escaping the room and disturbing others in other parts of the house, or even close neighbors. Also, sound-proof insulation blocks outside noise from interrupting your movie.
  4. Record in a home music studio. A music studio requires soundproofing insulation to prevent sound from escaping the studio and disturbing neighbors, as well as block external noises from being recorded.
  5. Improve health and well-being. There’s a reason that health spas are quiet. Exposure to high levels of noise can cause stress, anxiety and other health problems. Soundproofing insulation can help protect you and your family’s health and well-being by reducing noise levels.
  6. Last but not least, savings. Insulation also reduces energy costs and improves your overall comfort, temperature-wise.

Commercial Soundproofing Insulation

And when it comes to installing soundproofing insulation in commercial environments, the top five benefits are:

  1. Improved productivity. Excessive noise in the workplace can create distractions, making it difficult for employees to concentrate. Soundproofing insulation can help reduce noise levels and create a more comfortable and productive work environment.
  2. Protected confidentiality. In some industries, such as finance, healthcare or legal, confidentiality is crucial. Soundproofing insulation can help prevent sensitive information from being overheard by others outside the room or building.
  3. Met compliance standards. Some industries, such as music venues, recording studios or manufacturing plants to name a few, must comply with specific noise level regulations. Soundproofing insulation can help ensure that required noise level standards are met.
  4. Increased customer satisfaction. Some establishments, such as hotels or restaurants, prefer to keep excessive noise levels down to avoid an unpleasant experience for customers, which can result in negative reviews and less repeat business. Soundproofing insulation can help reduce noise levels and create a more enjoyable and relaxing experience for customers.
  5. Better health and safety. Exposure to high levels of noise in the workplace can lead to hearing loss, stress, and other health problems for employees. Soundproofing insulation reduces noise, helping protect employees’ health and safety.

Remember That Chapter in Your School Science Book?

Sound waves travel from the source to your ear. The noise you hear is louder or softer based on a lot of conditions. You probably remember that from your science book in school. Soundproofing insulation works by either blocking or absorbing sound waves. When sound waves hit an insulated surface, the energy is dissipated, and the sound is either reflected or absorbed, reducing the noise level.

Insulation’s effectiveness in blocking sound waves depends on its density and thickness, and the type of insulation material used also affects its soundproofing abilities.

A+ Insulation’s Experts Help You Choose the Right Soundproofing Insulation for Your Environment

When selecting insulation material for soundproofing your home or commercial environment, consider the level of noise to be blocked, the type of space being insulated and your budget.

Fiberglass insulation is great for absorbing high-frequency sound waves, while rock wool insulation is better at blocking low-frequency sound waves. Other materials like cellulose insulation, acoustic foam, or foam board can also be effective in soundproofing depending on the type of noise that needs to be blocked and where it’s to be installed.

Yet, even the highest quality soundproofing insulation won’t perform as well as it can without expert installation. Proper installation techniques are essential to ensure the insulation material is placed correctly and tightly, leaving no gaps that could compromise its effectiveness.

A+ Insulation offers unrivaled customer service, and our experts guide you through the process, from deciding on which rooms and areas to soundproof to assessing the noise levels after installation. We are able to retrofit soundproofing in existing homes or businesses that suffer from noise, as well as installing insulation for new constructions or renovations. For these structures, we use the “drill and fill technique” which involves drilling small holes in the wall and blowing in high density, sound-trapping insulation.

Give us a call today at (913) 281-2250 for more information or schedule an assessment and quote online.


Does Home Insulation Improve Your Resale Value?

As a homeowner, every time you think about investing in a home improvement, you mentally weigh the impact it might have on your home’s value when the time comes to sell. You might be considering one or a few of the most obvious home improvement projects to increase value, such as upgrading your kitchen or bathroom, installing new flooring or roofing, or repainting the entire house. However, have you considered improving your home’s insulation?

Ideally, the time to undergo an improvement project is early enough before selling to enjoy it yourself, but not so early that by the time you sell, the update is outdated and has to be updated again to be “move-in ready” for potential buyers. One home improvement that won’t go out of style before you sell, even it’s years down the road, is home insulation installation. And, you get the added benefit of the cost savings on your utility bills, so your new insulation can pay for itself over time.

Are Buyers Really Looking at Your Home Insulation?

Believe it or not, installing quality home insulation can positively impact your home’s resale value and overall attractiveness to potential buyers. You probably won’t hear buyers walking through a house talking about how beautiful the wall or attic insulation is, but good real estate agents point out key upgrades, like insulation, to buyers. Why?

Buyers are increasingly looking for energy-efficient and/or green homes that save them money on utility bills. Today’s buyers are facing all-time high home prices and higher mortgage interest rates, and they want to make a positive environmental impact. According to the National Association of Home Builders, energy efficiency ranks as one of the most desired features for new homes among buyers. While your home isn’t “new,” upgrading your insulation is a step toward energy-efficiency and helps level the field for buyers when comparing new-build to existing homes.

Along with your HVAC system and windows, home insulation is one of the most important components of a house’s energy efficiency. Insulation is designed to keep heat in during the winter and keep heat out during the summer. In turn, the HVAC system doesn’t have to work as hard to maintain a comfortable living environment. Installing quality home insulation can help reduce energy bills by up to 30 percent, not to mention lower greenhouse gas emissions by reducing the HVAC system’s energy consumption.

By decreasing the amount of energy needed to heat and cool your home, insulation also helps create a more sustainable living environment. Sustainable homes not only benefit the environment, but they also help to improve the quality of life. A home that is energy-efficient is less expensive to own, and the savings on utility bills can be redirected towards other important expenses, which is very important to home buyers.

If your home is in a busy area, soundproof insulation also helps reduce any noise pollution that could turn buyers away.

Selecting the Right Home Insulation Material

When it comes to selecting the right home insulation material, there are several factors to consider, including the climate in the Kansas City metro, the size and layout of your home and your budget. The most common types of home insulation are fiberglass, cellulose and spray foam.

Fiberglass insulation is a popular choice for many homeowners because it is affordable and easy to install. However, it is not the most effective material for insulation. Fiberglass insulation can lose up to 40% of its insulating properties over time due to settling, moisture and air infiltration.

Cellulose insulation is made from recycled paper and is treated with fire-retardant chemicals to increase its resistance to flames. It is an environmentally friendly option that is also affordable and effective. However, it can be difficult to install, and it can settle over time, reducing its effectiveness.

Learn more: An Insulation Contractor Explains When It’s Time to Replace Attic Insulation

Spray foam insulation is the most effective type of insulation available. It creates an airtight seal that prevents air leakage, reducing the amount of energy needed to heat and cool your home. Spray foam insulation is also moisture-resistant and can help to prevent mold and mildew growth in your home.

Hiring a Professional Insulation Installer in Kansas City

When it comes to improving your home’s insulation, the most important thing you can do is hire a professional insulation installer. Professional installers have the knowledge, experience and tools needed to ensure that your insulation is installed properly and meets the necessary standards. Our installers are certified, experienced and can help you select the right insulation material for your home and provide you with guidance on how to maintain your insulation over time.

Professional insulation installers can also provide you with documentation that shows that your insulation meets the necessary standards. This documentation can be important during resale inspections, as it demonstrates that your home is energy-efficient and has been properly insulated. If your home is more than 10 years old, chances are high it won’t pass today’s inspection standards for proper insulation.

The Bottom Line on Home Insulation and Resale Value

Installing quality insulation in your home can positively impact its resale value. Insulation is one of the most important components of a home’s energy efficiency and buyers are increasingly looking for green and money-saving options, like home insulation.

Whether you plan to stay in your home for years or thinking about listing it for sale in the near future, our licensed and knowledgeable insulation contractors can evaluate existing issues that need to be fixed and help you choose the right insulation – not to mention save you up to 30% on utility costs. Call us at (913) 281-2250 or visit to schedule a free, no obligation evaluation.

An Insulation Contractor Explains When It’s Time to Replace Attic Insulation

You feel like you’re just not as comfortable as you should be. Your utility bills are running higher than usual. Certain rooms in your house either feel like you’re entering a volcano or a frozen tundra. So, maybe you blame your HVAC system. Or, you look at your windows. Or, maybe utilities are just rising like everything else. Probably, the last thing you do is call an insulation contractor to check your attic insulation. But, you should.

Your attic insulation is an essential part of your home’s comfort level and energy efficiency. It helps keep your house warm in the winter and cool in the summer by preventing heat transfer through the roof—warm air escaping in the winter and hot air entering in the summer. Like other parts of your home, insulation eventually gets old and loses its effectiveness. We talked to our insulation contractors about how to know when it’s time to replace attic insulation.

How old is your attic insulation?

Insulation contractors can tell pretty quickly how old your attic insulation is, even if you’re not the original home owner who had it installed. Old insulation has tell-tale signs, such as settling, compression, damage from water leaks or a roof replacement, and even the type of attic insulation material. If your insulation is over 20 years old, it’s probably time for a replacement. Today’s insulation is far better thanks to advancements in material and installation techniques. More on that next.

What material is your attic insulation made of?

There are several types of insulation materials available, including fiberglass, cellulose and spray foam. Each material has its own lifespan, insulating properties and maintenance requirements. Fiberglass insulation, which is the most common older material, can last up to 25 years, while cellulose insulation has a lifespan of around 20 years. Spray foam insulation can last up to 80 years, and it fills every space without settling or sagging.

How well did the previous insulation contractor do the job?

Like all contractors, there are good and bad attic insulation contractors. If your insulation was poorly installed or installed incorrectly, it may have settled or become damaged over time, leading to air leaks and gaps. It’s important to ensure that your insulation was installed correctly and that it’s still in good condition. If your insulation was installed poorly or if it’s damaged, it’s time for a replacement.

Did you recently get a new roof or have work done in the attic?

If you’ve had any roof or attic work done recently, contact an insulation contractor to inspect your insulation to double check that it wasn’t damaged or moved during the work. An attic insulation inspection involves looking for dips, compression and damage from dropped materials that impacts efficiency or creates gaps where air leaks get through.

5 Signs Your Attic Insulation Needs to be Replaced (That Don’t Take an Insulation Contractor to Tell You)

  1. High energy bills: you’ve noticed that your energy bills have been increasing. As your insulation loses its effectiveness, your HVAC system has to work harder to maintain the desired temperature, leading to higher energy bills.
  2. Uneven temperature: you’ve noticed that some rooms in your home are warmer or cooler than others. Uneven temperatures can indicate that there are gaps or air leaks in your insulation, letting warm or cool air in or out, depending on the season.
  3. Drafts: you’ve felt drafts in your home. Drafts can indicate that there are gaps or air leaks in your insulation.
  4. Moisture or mold: you’ve noticed moisture or mold in your attic. Moisture or mold can indicate that there are air leaks or gaps in your insulation, allowing moisture to enter your home.
  5. Pests: you’ve noticed pests in your attic. Pests such as rodents, squirrels or insects can enter your home through gaps in your insulation.

Contact an A+ Insulation Contractor for a Free Evaluation

Replacing your attic insulation can save you money in the long run by reducing your energy bills and improving your home’s comfort. By knowing your attic insulation’s age, material, original installation quality, and any roof or attic work done that could affect it, you can keep your insulation in good condition and functioning the way it should.

Our licensed and knowledgeable insulation contractors can evaluate existing issues that need to be fixed and help you choose the right insulation – not to mention save you up to 30% on utility costs. Call us at (913) 281-2250 or visit to schedule a free, no obligation evaluation.

How Better Attic Insulation Improves Indoor Air Quality

You’re exploring solutions related to improving your indoor air quality. As insulation installers, we answer a lot of homeowners’ questions regarding what causes poor indoor air quality and how better home and attic insulation can improve it. So, let’s dig into the details.

Why It’s Smart to Improve Your Indoor Air Quality

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) lists several health effects connected with bad indoor air quality:

  • Eyes, nose and throat irritation
  • Headaches, fatigue and dizziness
  • Respiratory diseases, heart disease and even cancer

Yet, we humans spend upwards of 90 percent of our time indoors, where some pollutant concentrations are up to five times higher than the outdoors. If you already have health issues, then poor indoor air quality can exacerbate them. If you don’t, air quality can be the beginning of them.

According to the EPA, the indoor air pollutants are:

  • Combustion byproducts such as carbon monoxide, particulate matter and environmental tobacco smoke
  • Substances of natural origin such as radon, pet dander and mold
  • Biological agents, such as molds
  • Pesticides, lead and asbestos
  • Ozone (from some air cleaners)
  • Various volatile organic compounds from a variety of products and materials

Insulation Installers Urge You to Look Beyond the HVAC System to Your Attic Insulation for a Solution

It’s logical to look at the HVAC system as the solution for improving your indoor air quality. After all, it’s the system sending warm or cool air throughout your home. It has an air filter designed to trap contaminants. But, when it comes to improving indoor air quality, it’s just the first line of defense, not the only.

While many homeowners update their home and attic insulation for the increased physical comfort and heating and cooling cost savings, insulation plays a big role in helping improve indoor air quality as well.

First of all, insulation’s purpose is to “seal” your home, keeping outdoor pollutants from entering in the first place. But, there’s far more to it than that.

Not All Attic Insulation Equally Protects or Improves Indoor Air Quality

The age and quality of your home and attic insulation matter. The older and more degraded your insulation, the less it can protect you from indoor air contaminants. Here’s why:

  • Aged and degraded insulation cannot keep pollutants from entering your home. And, in many cases, it wasn’t installed adequately or properly, especially compared to today’s superior insulation options.
  • Degraded insulation can result in fiberglass dust and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) dropping through vents and can lights, affecting air quality.
  • Rodents, other vermin, water leaks and such erode insulation protection, and can send animal droppings, allergens and mold spores throughout the air.

If Not Well Trained and Certified, Your Insulation Installer Can Create More Indoor Air Quality Problems

Unsealed air leaks are opportunities for pollutants, mold and allergens to enter your home and circulate amongst the air you breathe. Sealing and ventilating your attic to prevent those irritants from entering your home can improve your indoor air quality. However, a home that is TOO air tight can create more problems by not allowing fresh outdoor air to circulate in your home, helping dissipate pollutants.

Spray foam insulation and fiberglass insulation are perfectly safe and effective unless installed incorrectly. You must have trust in your insulation installer to evaluate your home, pinpoint any problems with your current insulation, recommend the kind of insulation that will best meet your specific requirements, and correctly and properly install it.

LEARN MORE: Choosing Between Fiberglass and Cellulose Spray Insulation

One of the many qualities that sets A+ Insulation apart from other Kansas City area insulation installers is that our crews are well trained and certified. Our insulation installers seal the attic space entirely, using can foam around lights, stack and vents to seal cracks, then blow insulation over that for better indoor air quality, efficiency and comfort. Yet, leaving “space to breathe.”

Let our licensed and knowledgeable insulation contractors evaluate your Kansas City home’s insulation needs. Call us at (913) 281-2250 or visit to schedule a free, no obligation evaluation.

This Isn’t Your Grandparents’ Fiberglass Ceiling Insulation

When it comes to home insulation, fiberglass is one of the most common and effective materials. But among some groups, it has struggled to shake a reputation of being unsafe. This may have been true early on, but today’s product isn’t your grandparent’s fiberglass insulation. It’s far superior. We’ll explain why — but first, a brief overview of how we got here.

A Quick History of Insulation
Like most anything else that’s been around for a while, insulation has undergone a series of metamorphoses. Centuries ago, people used mud and straw for protection from the elements. Then came horsehair, cork, tapestries, animal hide, wool and likely much more. As you can imagine, the results left something to be desired.

Then, with the dawn of the Industrial Age and proliferation of factories, asbestos use took off. A tough, durable material, asbestos is highly resistant to heat. For that reason, it was the product of choice to insulate steam pipes and other machines. Of course, it was only a matter of time before it found its way into households… and a bit more time before people understood its toxicity.

Luckily, another product hit the market in the 1930s. Fiberglass insulation, made up of extremely fine fibers, proved effective in slowing the spread of heat, cold and sound within a structure. The lightweight, versatile product became the go-to choice in most American homes. There was just one problem… it may not have been asbestos, but it contained it.

After some time, people began to realize a correlation between asbestos-containing materials (including fiberglass insulation) and certain health conditions. Policy makers acted, and the use of asbestos in new products was banned in 1977 in the U.S. But that didn’t mean the end of fiberglass insulation — far from it. Manufacturers found a new way to ensure thermal efficiency and safety.

What is Today’s Fiberglass Made Of?
Today’s fiberglass is free of asbestos. The material’s primary component is sand. It’s made when molten glass is spun into extremely fine fibers* and broken into short pieces. As those pieces cool, they pile up and form a tangled mass. The material travels through a curing oven for the final stage of production, which hardens and stabilizes it, resulting in a durable product able to resist extreme temperatures, humidity, mold and more.

*If produced in batt-form, the fibers will be coated with a binding agent at this stage. If loose fill, that binding agent is not applied.

Benefits You Can Expect from Today’s Fiberglass Insulation
The benefits of fiberglass insulation are plentiful. In a nutshell, it’s effective, safe and long-lasting. Below are several more specific benefits homeowners gain by choosing fiberglass insulation for their ceilings and other areas.

Safe, Eco-Friendly and Lasting Performance
Fiberglass insulation is built to last. Because of its natural strength and durability, when properly installed, fiberglass insulation can maintain its form for decades. Longer lifecycles translate to less waste, which make it an eco-friendly choice.

Additionally, homeowners who install other products run the risk of more frequent material breakdown, some of which contain harmful elements. As these materials disintegrate, contaminants can be released into the air and enter living spaces, posing certain health risks. With fiberglass, this simply isn’t a concern.

In fact, when installed by the A+ Insulation team, our InsulSafe SP fiberglass spray-in insulation comes with a lifetime warranty, making it one of the wisest investments you’ll ever make in your home. Which brings us to the next point…

Versatility to Fit Any Space
Homeowners can choose between a batted or spray-in fiberglass product, depending on the space they’re insulating. Batt insulation delivers fantastic thermal efficiency, coverage and sound absorption and experiences little settling. It’s great for areas without a lot of pipes, wires or other obstructions, since the material would have to be cut to fit around them. This can cause gaps, which could negatively affect performance.

In those instances, InsulSafe SP fiberglass spray-in insulation is an excellent solution. Despite its loose-fill form, it also experiences very little settling over time. And because of its form, it delivers stellar coverage as its able to fill in tough-to-reach nooks and crannies to prevent air leaks that would otherwise be difficult to fill. Essentially, it morphs to your space, providing a tight, blanket-like seal.

Fire Protection
Because fiberglass insulation is made primarily from sand and recycled glass, it’s naturally non-combustible, and thus, fire resistant. Better yet, no chemical treatment is necessary to ensure this.

Mold and Mildew Resistant
Again, thanks to its natural properties, fiberglass insultation is mold- and mildew-resistant. And as long as it’s properly installed, it will not absorb or retain water, eliminating the risk of premature deterioration from moisture exposure.

Compared to other materials, fiberglass is one of the most budget-friendly options. Combined with its long lifecycle and energy savings, properly installed fiberglass insulation is the only home-improvement project that boasts an average national return on investment of more than 100 percent.

Is Fiberglass Insulation Right for My Home?
Yes! Whether you live in an historic home or are settling into a new build, fiberglass insulation is a safe and effective option for your house. For ceiling insulation specifically, it can be essential to a well-functioning, comfortable environment because as much as 30% of your home’s heat can be lost through your roof.

If you’re unsure whether your existing insulation is safe and/or performing as it should, A+ Insulation experts can perform an inspection and provide an estimate if improvements are recommended.

See for Yourself — This Isn’t Your Grandparents’ Fiberglass Insulation
Over its nearly century-long lifespan, fiberglass insulation has secured a well-earned top ranking when it comes to best product available. Today’s fiberglass is safe, extremely effective, affordable and long lasting.

Working with an expert team like A+ Insulation to install fiberglass insulation is one of the best investments you can make in your home, delivering decades-long performance and top-notch energy efficiency. Regardless of roof and ceiling type — from gabled, metal, flat, tapered or even cathedral — our team can devise a solution for your space that will promise peace of mind for years to come.

Let our licensed and knowledgeable insulation contractors evaluate your Kansas City home’s insulation needs. Call us at (913) 281-2250 or visit to schedule a free, no obligation evaluation.

Choosing Between Fiberglass and Cellulose Spray Insulation

A significant amount of energy can be lost through poorly insulated walls, floors and roofs. This can eat away at resources and be downright uncomfortable, especially in extreme temperatures, which Kansas City experiences throughout the year.

Increasing a home’s insulation and reducing air leaks is one of the best ways to reduce energy waste. From a bottom-line standpoint, improvements typically deliver 10-20% energy savings, although for older homes with little to no insulation, those figures can be much higher.

Whether you’re updating an aging house or completing new construction, spray-in insulation offers distinct benefits for virtually every homeowner.

A Few Reasons Why Spray-In Insulation is a Good Idea
There are different types of spray-in insulation, also referred to as blown-in or loose-fill insulation. As Kansas City’s insulation experts, A+ Insulation offers both InsulSafe SP fiberglass and cellulose insulation. We’ll explore the unique characteristics of each, including their differences and which is best for most Kansas City homeowners. But first, here are a few shared benefits…

Superior Coverage and High Efficiency
Spray-in insulation provides fantastic coverage as it’s able to fill in tough-to-reach nooks and crannies to prevent air leaks that would otherwise be difficult to resolve. Essentially, it morphs to your space, providing a tighter, blanket-like seal.

Sound Absorption
Because it’s so good at filling voids of every size, spray-in insulation is particularly effective when it comes to noise reduction. Spray-in materials provide an airtight seal to muffle and even eliminate outside disturbances.

Fire Protection
Homes with spray-in insulation are more fire resistant, again thanks to the material’s airtight seal, eliminating airflow and thus the ability to fan flames. Additionally, whether through its natural properties or added materials, spray-in insulation itself is typically fire retardant.

Less Condensation
Often, damaging mold is a result of condensation entering small, hard-to-reach air leaks. Because spray-in insulation is so effective at filling all spaces, condensation is less likely to occur.

So, How Do I Choose the Spray-In Insultation That’s Right for My Home?
Now that we’ve reviewed some of the universal benefits of spray-in insulation, we can address the specific product types to determine which is best for your home: fiberglass or cellulose?

Cellulose Spray-In Insulation
Cellulose spray-in insulation acts almost like a liquid when applied, conforming to any shape and filling voids that batt insulation simply can’t. Creating a virtual blanket around your home, it provides high thermal efficiency, soundproofing and fire protection. In addition to these benefits, there are a couple of things homeowners will want to keep in mind.

Cellulose spray-in insulation boasts a higher R-value — or thermal resistance — than fiberglass. This means it takes less material to deliver the same temperature-control benefits… at least at first. Over time though, cellulose spray-in insulation’s R-value diminishes as it breaks down and settles. This results in inconsistencies, rending the material less efficient. As such, homeowners should expect to replace cellulose insulation every five to 10 years.

InsulSafe SP Fiberglass Spray-In Insulation
Used in attics, floors and walls, fiberglass spray-in insulation delivers all the benefits listed earlier — thermal efficiency, great coverage, fire safety, sound absorption — and then some. Fiberglass’ specific properties offer a few notable health and safety benefits all its own.

Whereas cellulose spray-in insulation is made from recycled paper products, then treated with fire-retardant chemicals including borate, fiberglass spray-in insulation materials — molten glass spun or blown into fibers — are naturally non-combustible. Thus, no chemical treatment is necessary for fire protection.

This, coupled with fiberglass’ ability to maintain its form for decades, makes it an especially eco-friendly choice. Homeowners who install other products run the risk of more frequent breakdown of materials, some of which contain harmful elements. As these materials disintegrate, contaminants can be released into the air and enter living spaces, posing certain health risks. With fiberglass, this simply isn’t a concern.

What’s more, with its proven integrity and ability to maintain its original form rather than settle, when fiberglass is properly installed, long-term performance is all but guaranteed. In fact, when installed by the A+ Insulation team, InsulSafe SP fiberglass spray-in insulation comes with a lifetime warranty, making it one of the wisest investments you’ll ever make in your home.

What’s more, of all the types of insulation, fiberglass comes in at one of the lowest price points. When combined with its energy savings, fiberglass insulation holds the distinct title of being the only home-improvement project with an average national return of more than 100 percent.

Fiberglass Spray-In Insulation for the Win
Although cellulose spray-in insulation has its advantages, especially early in its performance life, fiberglass spray-in insulation beats it in most every category. For homeowners looking for the best return and long-term reliability, fiberglass insulation is a choice they won’t regret.

When and How to Install New Insulation
Different types of insulation have different lifespans, which can fluctuate if damaged or improperly installed. If you’re unsure of whether your insulation is performing to the best of its ability, A+ Insulation experts can perform an inspection and provide an estimate if improvements are recommended.

Although it can be tempting to try your hand at DIY installation, we wouldn’t recommend it. One of the most common problems with insulation is poor installation. Our insulation specialists are knowledgeable about the unique techniques and considerations in regard to vapor retardants, air infiltration, ventilation and other critical factors. If not properly addressed, even the best product will fail sooner rather than later. As a result, DIY projects gone wrong almost always incur greater costs than proper installation from the start.

This is especially true when homeowners entrust their spray-in fiberglass insulation installation to the A+ Insulation team. With a lifetime warranty, you’ll have remarkable peace of mind thanks to fantastic energy efficiency and cost savings, indefinitely.

Start Reaping Rewards Today
A properly insulated home is a happy home. From improved comfort and safety to cost-savings and return on your investment, properly installed spray-in fiberglass insulation delivers lasting benefits. And when you trust A+ Insulation to install it in your home, you’ll enjoy a lifetime warranty.

Call us at (913) 281-2250 or visit to schedule a free, no-obligation estimate.

Allergens Begone: How Insulation Addresses Air Quality

More than 50 million Americans experience different kinds of allergies each year, from pollen, mold, dust, insects, and other allergens. Allergic reactions can range from relatively harmless to life-threatening, and they are considered the sixth leading cause of chronic illness. It’s possible for what seems like a simple reaction to escalate to something severe. Furthermore, it’s not unheard of to suddenly develop an allergy to something you had no trouble coming into contact with before.

This is why many people make great efforts to ensure that their homes and daily surroundings are allergen-free, protecting themselves and others—especially those likely to have severe allergic reactions.

It may surprise many to know that A+ Insulation plays a role in helping people defend their homes against allergens as well: by providing assistance with DIY spray foam insulation.

Allergens and Air Quality

Most people don’t realize that there is a connection between allergens and your insulation. It has to do with the indoor air quality of your home. Indoor air quality refers to the cleanliness of the air found inside the rooms of your residence. And just like the air outdoors, it can become polluted, dusty, and filled with potential allergens.

Many homes have HVAC systems that filter out dust and other allergens, improving air quality. However, indoor air pollution can still accumulate. When there are too many pollutants, you’ll notice that the air in your home starts to feel hotter and even smell different..

The most telling symptom of poor air quality is worsening respiratory health. For example, residents of a home with poor indoor air quality may develop coughs and colds more often. Individuals with asthma may start getting attacks more often, and those with allergic rhinitis may start to sneeze more, for seemingly no reason, especially in the mornings.

All this could lead to exacerbated symptoms of typical allergies and worsening lung conditions. In the most severe cases, poor air quality can go as far as causing lung cancer or death.

The Role of Insulation

Where does insulation come into play? Insulation is an excellent way to reduce the risk of developing poor air quality indoors. Installing appropriate insulation regulates indoor temperature and improves the overall air quality of a home.

This is because the airflow of a home is taken into account when designing a house. Particular focus is placed on natural light, heat, and the flow of fresh air.

If you live in a place with a climate that requires fireplaces, some homes close off specific rooms so heat can stay in living areas. At the same time, there is very little to no carbon monoxide risk. Warmer climates do the opposite, ensuring that the home has plenty of fresh air flowing indoors, naturally cooling the house.

And these temperatures get preserved through the use of insulation. With the correct form of insulation in your home, you can prevent outside air from seeping into your home and compromising the air quality as well as altering the temperature. Any air that flows through the house and HVAC system can be controlled, and insulation acts as a filter, preventing contaminants from entering your living space.

Even dust, dander, and other airborne particles are stopped by insulation at the surface level, especially if they come in from the outside. It defends your home’s air quality, acting as both filter and regulator.

How Poor Insulation Affects Air Quality

These benefits can only be achieved if the insulation is properly installed and safety standards are adhered to. On the other hand, poor insulation can affect the air quality of your home just as adversely as a pollutant. This is why it’s important not to cut corners when installing insulation.

Poor temperature control

Because insulation is supposed to regulate temperature, poorly installed or low-quality installation can make homes too stuffy or too cold. It can no longer assist the HVAC in maintaining temperature control.

Excess moisture increases

The performance of insulation decreases with time. But one of the worst things about old insulation is that it cannot withstand moisture. During hurricanes and storms, it will start absorbing moisture and essentially become useless. The water depletes heat-resisting qualities in most types of insulation.

Furthermore, this causes the insulation’s resistance against mold growth to rapidly deteriorate. Mold can spread throughout the insulation and release airborne spores. Mold allergies are one of the most common in the US, and they could cause people inside the house to experience a range of symptoms.

These include sneezing, postnasal drip, coughing and wheezing, and watery eyes. For people with asthma and allergic rhinitis, sneezing could become unbearable.

Increase in pests

Birds, rodents, and, most importantly, insects will become more drawn to insulation that isn’t properly sealed or installed, making their homes there. These pests can introduce dangerous particles, bacteria, and viruses into your home. And because they live in the insulation, it will be very easy for these particles to get into the HVAC system and start circulating throughout your home.

Also, many people are allergic to specific insects and rodents. They are at risk of an allergy attack if these pests start living inside their homes.

It’s crucial to keep replacing outdated insulation and to have new insulation installed correctly. Doing so ensures pests do not have the opportunity to start nesting in it.

Increase in VOCs 

Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are introduced into the air when poor insulation degrades. This concept is familiar to homeowners who have heard of or experienced problems arising from vermiculite insulation that contains asbestos.

Though modern insulation has advanced to the point that it’s completely safe, its degradation through poor installation or quality can result in poor indoor air quality. It starts to fall apart and release dust particles and organic particulates into your home’s airflow.

These particles result in highly exacerbated asthma and allergy symptoms. If you have an old home, you should replace and reinstall the insulation.

dust in the air

Bacteria, Dust, and Odors

Because of the presence of mold, there will also be more bacteria found on surfaces around the house. These bacteria can cause several health risks. These include but are not limited to respiratory distress, skin irritation, and even disorientation.

The HVAC system also starts being unable to filter the particles. The released dust and odors around the house will continue to circulate for a lot longer, and you and your family will be breathing it in more often. Even if you clean frequently, if these particles and bacteria continue to circulate, you’ll likely continue to experience symptoms.

Other Common Sources of Pollutants Around the House

Carbon monoxide 

This is an odorless and colorless gas. Appliances and equipment inside your house that burn fossil fuels (fireplaces and car exhausts are the most significant sources) produce carbon monoxide.

In high concentrations, carbon monoxide is incredibly toxic to the human body. It depletes the body’s oxygen. People exposed to carbon monoxide feel dizzy and nauseated, often finding it difficult to breathe. If they’re exposed for too long, they might experience vomiting, pain, disorientation, and even death.


This is a significant concern for homeowners who live in houses that are at least 30 years old. Radon derives from the trace amounts of uranium occurring naturally on earth. While many local and federal building codes typically enforce restrictions to protect homeowners from radon in their homes, older properties were likely built before these regulations were put into place.

Cigarette Smoke

If you or your family members smoke, there’s little to no chance that traces of cigarette smoke will ever leave the home. Smoking also introduces tar and nicotine into the air. The result is the familiar yellowing seen in smokers’ homes. It occurs when smoke seeps into the walls and insulation. Stains resulting from cigarette smoke are very difficult to clean.

More worryingly, cigarette smoke contains more than 7,000 chemicals, many of them harmful. You don’t have to be allergic specifically to cigarette smoke to have your health negatively impacted by exposure to it. Prolonged exposure to cigarette smoke, even secondhand, can result in minor symptoms, such as irritation to the eyes and through, as well as severe effects, such as cancer and heart disease.

Particles in cigarette smoke also accumulate and clog the HVAC filter, resulting in inferior indoor air quality.

Protect Your Home and Family from Allergens

Correctly installed insulation, especially when made of quality, professional-grade materials, is a significant benefit to your home’s air quality. It acts as a defense against so many types of common allergens and even helps your HVAC system keep your home’s air quality clean.

However, the biggest risk comes from poorly installed, low-quality insulation. This doesn’t just fail at maintaining your home’s temperature—it may also endanger your and your family’s health. This is why it’s of the utmost importance to carefully check the licenses and expertise of the professional that you’ll hire to install your insulation. Quality performance yields quality work.

A+ Insulation has been helping improve the indoor air quality of homes across Kansas City for years through top-notch insulation solutions. Our team of experts can answer any of your questions about the type of insulation you need, how we’ll install it, and where your home needs it most. Get in touch with us today for a free, no-obligation inspection of your home. You may also read about our services here.

What You Need to Know About Stack Effect


Winter’s extreme cold spells make it difficult for homes to maintain pleasant temperatures. Despite having thermostats set to maintain reasonable temperatures, many homeowners find it challenging to keep their interiors warm.

One common problem is the stack effect, the passage of air from the bottom of your home to the top and vice versa. Warm air rises to the top of your house, causing outside air to enter the lower level of your home. It results in excessive energy bills because you can’t control your home’s temperature, and it brings in allergens and outside contaminants.

What Is the Stack Effect?

The stack effect is air movement that negatively impacts your monthly energy expenditures and your home’s comfort level. Air enters your home through crawl spaces or basements, travels up through your floors and walls, and exits through your attic. This is the cold air in the winter and the hot air in the summer that puts a strain on your air conditioner and furnace.

Most homes experience the stack effect as a result of faults and pressure differences in the structural envelope. It can severely affect your comfort if you aren’t cautious.

How Does the Stack Effect Work?

Warm air rises in a house during the winter. This pressurizes the house’s top, forcing hot air out while sucking cold air in at the bottom.

In an air-conditioned house in the summer, the stack effect is reversed because the warmer air is outside. Cool inside air tends to fall and get forced out at the home’s bottom, allowing hot air to enter at the top.

The stack effect is determined by two factors: the residential property’s height and the temperature difference inside and outside of the house. The pressures created are greater when the temperature difference is higher and the property is taller.

Positive and negative pressures are greatest at the bottom and top, and neutral pressures are located somewhere in the middle. The bottom has high negative pressure, the top has high positive pressure, and the middle, or “neutral pressure plane,” is just in the sweet spot in the winter model.

The positive and negative pressure peaks are reversed in the summer.

Different Stack Effect Problems

The main issue with the stack effect is that the taller your home is, the more problems you’ll have. To be more aware of the problems, here are the most common issues that may occur with the stack effect.

It Makes Your Home Uncomfortable

Home dwellers on the upper floors get overheated in the winter, so they open windows. As a result of the relief in pressure at the top, cold air is coming in at the bottom, resulting in individuals on the lower floors raising the thermostat.

The problem can escalate quickly in some residential properties with poor insulation and air sealing between levels. The overheated penthouse residents open their windows, causing those on the ground floor to freeze.

It Can Cause Moisture Damage

Moisture follows air currents; therefore, moisture will condense on cold surfaces in any part of a house where there is a considerable movement of air between the interior and the exterior.

The effects of freeze-thaw cycles can sometimes be seen on brick buildings, when damp air builds in the brick, causing efflorescence, discoloration, and spalling.

Moisture penetration ruins structures and poses health risks to residents. However, the issues aren’t limited to brick. Condensation can occur anywhere there is a pulling of moist outside air pressure—or pushing moist inside air —into the wall cavity, resulting in decay and mold.

It Causes Energy Loss

Your heating system will have to work longer and harder to maintain appropriate inside temperatures as hot air leaves the house and cold air enters.

For example, during the winter when the stack effect is strongest, hot air is constantly exiting and being replaced by an equivalent volume of the cold air outside. You’ll be spending a lot of money to stay warm because the cycle runs continuously.

There are also major problems if the stack effect is not planned properly, especially in tall structures. Here are several examples.

  • Stress on HVAC equipment as it tries to cope with air losses or increased demand. Inefficient HVAC systems cost more in terms of energy and maintenance, and poor temperature control reduces comfort.
  • Diffusion of odors from the outdoors or between residential units.
  • Depending on the situation, doors and elevators may require more force to open or close, or they may slam quickly.
  • Noise is produced by air moving through cracks.
  • Air movement has the potential to contribute to the spread of flames and smoke during a fire. Sprinkler system piping may freeze in some building sections exposed to the coldest airflow.

You have a lot of air movement just in the attic, which will aggravate moisture issues and lead to mold and mildew growth, as well as cause damage to any insulation you have up there.

The only insulation that will not be destroyed in this situation is spray foam, which is installed in place and also forms an air seal.

How to Prevent the Stack Effect in Your Home

Air Sealing

Sealing up those air gaps makes it difficult for indoor air to exit and outdoor air to enter, lessening the stack effect in your home, boosting energy efficiency, and minimizing energy waste.

Creating an air seal is the simplest way to eliminate the stack effect. An experienced home performance contractor uses professional air sealing and spray foam insulation to do this. You want an air seal around your entire living space, starting at the foundation where the air enters and ending at the top where it exits.

Keep in mind that air-sealing your walls and nothing else will actually increase the stack effect. The best solution for constructing an air seal is to air seal the entire house.

For example, if you have an air-sealed basement area, you don’t get that air coming in from the bottom which is the greatest cause of the stack effect. When you air-seal your outside walls, you also seal gaps around the windows and outlets to prevent air from entering.

Finally, by preventing air from entering and leaking from your attic, you are effectively sealing your home’s environment. This type of air seal will make your home more pleasant and energy-efficient, resulting in lower monthly electricity bills.


The stack effect causes moisture to enter your home, where it can freeze in the attic and roof during the winter. Here is where attic insulation enters the picture.

The stack effect occurs because your attic has a space where warm air may escape at its greatest point. Attic insulation is one of the best ways to prevent this from happening. The space between your top floor and your attic is the most vital to insulate.

Warm air will escape through the slightest openings or air ducts as it reaches your attic. Remember that, while it’s critical to have adequate insulation throughout your home, it’s the attic that requires the most attention.


Natural ventilation can save homeowners up to 30% on their utility bills. Home design features should focus on mixing fresh air with existing air and regulating the stack effect within the property.

Interior walls and transom windows divert flow through occupied areas. An indirect path allows for the mixing of fresher air with stale air as well as the removal of the latter.

Interior exhaust openings should be higher than supply openings so that stale air is swept up and out by the stack effect. New structures with natural ventilation should be placed to catch the wind in the summer and block the cold temperature exposure in the winter.

Humidity control is not included in natural ventilation. The height and width of a structure are important considerations.

Natural ventilation efforts alone will not assist central portions of very large houses. Furthermore, the stack effect will not result in significant airflow in buildings with low ceilings. It’s possible that you’ll need fan-assisted ventilation.

Upgrade Your Home Insulation

The stack effect impacts all buildings in some way. The effect may hardly be noticeable in single-story, single-family homes. However, as we’ve seen, the stack effect should be taken into account while designing such a structure.

You now understand the stack effect and how it affects your home’s comfort and energy efficiency. Allowing the stack effect to produce drafts and discomfort is not a good idea. Start today to make your home more comfortable!

If you need professional attic insulation installation, give our A+ Insulation team of friendly experts a call. We’ll be able to offer you the insulation guidance you need. Request a quote or schedule an appointment today at 913-281-2250 or 816-265-1947.

Stay Warm in Winter: Leak-Prone Spots You Might Overlook


With winter right around the corner, homeowners carry out last-minute preparations to protect their homes from the chill. With most focusing on their drainage, gutters, and other exterior elements, it’s easy to overlook certain areas—such as your home’s insulation.

While poor insulation is mostly felt during the winter, its consequences can be felt year-round. From higher utility bills to internal damage, your entire household is affected by this structural issue. Make sure your home is protected from the elements this winter to keep it comfortable.

Insulation Inspection: Which Areas are Often Overlooked

It’s typical for homeowners to forget checking the insulation, because it’s rarely seen after a construction or renovation. Checking parts of your home that lack insulation will help you determine the areas prone to leakage and where you can apply spray foam for better insulation.


As the temperature drops, uninsulated pipes are at risk of freezing. The ice that accumulates will expand and create cracks in your plumbing. Once it thaws, the water may leak through the gaps and cause damage to your home. At worst, certain areas in your home might flood once spring arrives.

Doors and Windows

The areas around your doors and windows are treated with weatherstripping to prevent cold air from entering and warm air from escaping. However, this will deteriorate over time, rendering it ineffective. Aside from the cold draft, this will create condensation, resulting in moisture damage and mold growth.

Outdoor Faucets

Much like your pipes, outdoor faucets are prone to frost during the winter. When the area surrounding the spout is not insulated, it’s prone to ice expansion, which creates holes in your walls come springtime. Although most choose to use specialized faucets to prevent frost, insulating the surrounding area is also essential for your home’s structural integrity.

Attics and Basements

Your attic is a good heat source during the winter, because it keeps heat from escaping. However, holes in its insulation will prevent your attic from effectively trapping heat. A poorly insulated basement, on the other hand, causes mold and mildew growth. These spaces require a balance between ventilation and insulation to ensure the right indoor temperature all year.


Most garages don’t need to be insulated. However, if you use your garage for hobbies and anything other than basic storage, it will need the same treatment as the rest of your home. Leaving this space uninsulated will create temperature problems, like cold drafts and excessive condensation, that can be felt throughout your whole property.

Vents and Ductwork

The vents and ductwork in older homes often have damaged insulation. When this is left unaddressed, you risk cold air leaking into your home. Damaged insulation will also let warm air out, causing your heating system to work harder and consume more energy.


Most homeowners tend to overlook their crawlspaces. However, these spaces are essential to maintaining your home’s temperature and air quality. Poor insulation will allow cold drafts to enter through your floors, which, in turn, will increase moisture build-up in the air.

Exterior Walls

The installation of insulation is part of the initial construction process. Unfortunately, poor building practices can lead to gaps, and sometimes inexperienced builders will forget about this crucial step. If either of these situations occur on your exterior walls, your home is at risk of several structural issues. In addition to excessive condensation from ice build-up, the absence of insulation can allow pests access to your home.


Your chimney provides you with an additional heat source, but it can also be the source of drafts during the winter. Older chimneys often have cracks and gaps in the area attached to your home. These holes allow downdraft to enter, lowering your interior temperature.


Much like new exterior walls, the ceilings of additional rooms are often left uninsulated. They become a source of cold drafts, moisture damage, and pest infestation.

Year-Round Protection: Why You Should Use Spray Foam Insulation

Insulation comes in different forms, but more and more homeowners are seeing the benefits of using spray foam insulation. Unlike blanket batts, reflective barriers, and other alternatives, spray foam provides your home with an airtight seal from the elements. When installed by professionals, this provides your home with benefits aside from additional warmth.

It Reduces Energy Bills.

The polyurethane used in spray foam expands up to a hundred times its original size. It gives you better coverage, especially in hard to reach areas like cracks and edges. Once it expands and hardens, spray foam gives you better temperature control. It reduces heating costs during colder months, allowing you to save on energy. It also prevents cold air from escaping during warmer months, reducing the stress on your air conditioning unit.

It Prevents Moisture Damage.

Moisture is a year-round problem for any homeowner. Any compromise to your roof or walls can let water into your house and cause damage. When left unaddressed, this can result in mold and mildew growth. Spray foam provides an airtight and moisture-resistant solution to this problem. Proper insulation prevents moisture from seeping into your home, which preserves its structural integrity.

It Has a Longer Lifespan.

Insulation is essential year-round, even if its use is only felt during the colder months. Using spray foam gives you a year-round advantage because of its durability. Unlike traditional insulation options, this alternative lasts longer and requires less maintenance. Although it isn’t the cheapest option available, it’s a worthy investment, as it helps you protect your home from the natural factors that affect its performance.

It Prevents Pest Infestations.

Aside from improving temperature control, insulation prevents pest infestations. Termites, insects, and small rodents usually enter your home through cracks, holes, and crevices in the roof and walls. Since spray foam expands and fills in the smallest of these gaps, it prevents these pests from entering and multiplying in your home. Spray foam hardens once it dries, making it near impenetrable for these small critters.


Red Flags: How to Identify Signs of Poor Insulation

Determining your home’s insulation condition can be challenging, especially if you don’t know where to start. In addition to the places mentioned above, there are signs you should watch out for. These red flags will help you identify the insulation problem.

Higher Energy Bills

The easiest way to check your home’s insulation is to review your energy bill history. If the amount increases excessively within in a short period, it might be a sign of insulation problems. Leakage will cause your HVAC system to work harder, as it tries to adjust to the sudden changes in temperature.

Chilly Drafts

Use the colder months to check your rooms for drafts. If you still feel a chill even when doors and windows are closed and the heater is running, it can be a sign of poor insulation. Even the smallest gap can let cold air inside your home.

Cold or Damp Walls

Conduct a “touch test” on your walls. If you put your hand up against a wall and it’s cold or damp, you can use it as a sign of poor insulation. This is also a red flag for moisture damage. In addition to looking for air gaps, check your walls for water leaks.

Wet Spots on Ceilings

Water can quickly enter poorly insulated homes. If you have leaks or see wet spots in your ceilings, there might be a problem with your insulation. Inspect your attic first for holes and gaps before doing the same to your roof. If you find any, you will have to repair them immediately to prevent them from growing worse.

Mold or Mildew

Excessive mold and mildew can grow when there is too much condensation in your home. When either of these issues is left unaddressed, they compromise your home’s air quality. It creates an environment where allergens increase and dust mites thrive, creating health risks for your household. If you notice mold in room corners or mildew in bathrooms and the kitchen, consider inspecting your insulation.

Pest Infestation

Insulation prevents pests from entering your home. If you notice pest droppings on the floor or see termite holes in your walls, you may have a problem with your insulation. In addition to hiring insulation installation services, you will need to find an exterminator to control your pest problem.

Work with the Pros: Why You Should Hire a Professional for Your Insulation Needs

Winterizing your home is essential to keeping it comfortable and safe throughout the year. When it has poor insulation, it is at risk of several problems that may compromise its durability and protection against the elements. However, adding insulating on your own may not always lead to the best results. Professional services will ensure a job well done.

A+ Insulation has been providing spray foam insulation to homeowners in Kansas and Missouri since 2004. We know how to determine which areas of your home are most compromised. Let us help you keep your home warm this winter. We offer a FREE, no-obligation inspection and estimate.

Learn more about our spray foam insulation services!

Get the Most Out of Your Insulation by Air-Sealing Your Home

Air leakage happens when outside air enters your house through openings and cracks. These drafts replace the conditioned air in your home, affecting the indoor environment you try to control with your heating and cooling systems. But there are also less obvious spaces that let air in and out of your home. These gaps can be anywhere on your walls, basement, attic, and even ductwork.

Why Air-Seal Your House?

Some homeowners rely on drafts to try and improve their ventilation, but this is an unwise strategy. Too much cool air can enter your house during the colder months. And when the warm season comes, humid air can make your home feel hotter, creating an uncomfortable indoor environment.

Air leakage also carries moisture into your house. High levels of moisture can damage your home’s foundation. Water vapor settles on various surfaces, causing wood to rot, paint to peel, and electrical wirings to malfunction. Pest infestation also becomes more probable, since termites, cockroaches, and other bugs thrive in damp areas.

Aside from compromising your home’s structural integrity and your health, indoor moisture can cause your energy bills to soar. Humid air feels heavy on the skin, forcing you to up your cooling system usage thus increasing your utility bills.

Finding and blocking those air leaks is imperative to reducing your heating and cooling costs, helping you achieve maximum energy efficiency. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) estimates that air-sealing your home can cut 15 percent off your heating and cooling costs.

With summer still several months away, now is the perfect time to conduct a thorough air leak detection in your home.

How to Detect Air Leaks


You can either perform the inspection yourself or hire an energy auditor to do it for you. A home energy audit provides the most accurate measurement of air leakage in your home. Some home insulation companies offer energy evaluations to determine areas in your home that aren’t properly insulated

Home Energy Audit

A qualified technician will conduct an energy audit to see the whole picture of your home’s energy use. This assessment determines how much energy is used and lost, as well as the problem areas you need to address to make your home more efficient.

The professional energy auditor will do a blower door test. A powerful fan will be mounted into the frame of an exterior door. It pulls the air out of the house, decreasing the pressure inside. The outside air, which is higher in pressure, will rush in through the unsealed cracks. A smoke pencil will be used to locate the openings.

If you’d rather assess the house yourself, you have two ways of locating air leaks: visual inspection and the pressurization test.

Visual Inspection

Below is a checklist of all the areas of the house where gaps commonly form. These are spots where two different building materials meet. Due to poor construction or craftsmanship, the two surfaces may have lined up unevenly, creating spaces where air can pass through.

Outside the house:

  • All exterior corners
  • Faucets connected to exterior walls
  • Joints where chimneys and the siding meet
  • Areas where the foundation and the siding or bottom exterior brick meet

Inside the house:

  • Baseboards
  • Vents and fans
  • Door and window frames
  • Weather stripping around doors
  • Electrical outlets
  • Switch plates
  • Fireplace damper
  • Attic hatches
  • Mounted conditioners
  • Where dryer vents pass through walls
  • Electrical and gas service entrances
  • Cables that extend outside

Make sure the weather stripping and caulking, especially around doors and windows, are applied properly. If you can rattle your windows or doors on their frames, it means they’re not properly fitted into the wall.

Pressurization Test

You can perform a simpler version of the blower door test on your own. Decrease the pressure inside your house to increase air infiltration through the gaps. You can achieve depressurization by doing the following steps:

  1. On a windy day, shut off all combustion appliances, such as stoves, furnaces, and water heaters.
  2. Close all exterior doors, windows, and fireplace flues.
  3. Turn on all exhaust fans that blow outside to suck the air out of the house.
  4. Pass a lighted incense stick around the common leakage spots. If the smoke is sucked out of the room, there’s a draft.

Once you’ve located the air gaps, it’s time to reseal them. Below is a rundown on best air-sealing practices for different areas of your house, from the attic and basement to the exterior.

Exterior Air Sealing

Siding panels, especially vinyl ones, expand and contract due to changes in temperature. That’s why you have to nail the cladding down with enough room for the panels to move accordingly. Otherwise, they’ll get warped.

Warped siding creates spaces between the panels where air and water can get in. Repair the damaged part immediately to seal these gaps. You don’t have to replace the entire siding system if the deformation is concentrated on one area. You can cut a small portion from a new, similar panel and patch it onto the affected part.

Another method is to replace individual siding planks if the damage is too big for the cut-and-patch technique. But a system replacement may be necessary when a large part of your wall cladding has been abused by time and temperature changes.

For the outside of your home, you also want to examine the exterior sheathing, or the nailing bed of the siding. If your house is slightly old, it probably uses solid board lumber for its sheathing. This material is prone to shrinkage and cracks, so be sure to check for air gaps. Caulking can easily seal these holes, reducing air infiltration.

Wall Air Sealing

Apart from the exterior of your house, the walls are also known to have tiny cracks that let air in and out.

When it comes to interior walls, your first line of defense against drafts is insulation. It helps maintain a pleasant temperature in your home by preventing the warmth from passing through the walls. Aside from reducing heat transfer, insulation seals up the spots where cool air can enter.

Insulation comes in a variety of options. Choose from loose fill, spray foam, batts, or rolls. Consult a professional to determine which type is most suitable for the structure and location of your house.

Strengthen your wall’s defense against air leakage further by installing foam gaskets behind all light switches and electrical outlets. These minimize the air flow between the indoors and outdoors, reducing the chances for leakage. Child-proof plug covers also perform the same function, keeping air from passing through unused outlets.

For wall air sealing, replace all windows that are more than 20 years old to increase their energy efficiency. Because they’re made of glass, windows absorb more heat during summer and lose more in winter than any other surface in your home. Installing storm windows further reinforces your home’s insulation and airtightness.

Attic Air Sealing


Another part of your house that’s prone to air leakage is the attic.

Warm, humid air rises naturally since it’s lighter than dry air. The airflow going up the attic and out the roof draws cold breeze into the openings at the lower part of the house. This phenomenon is referred to as “stack effect,” which is how drafts get into your home.

Prevent the consequences of the stack effect by insulating your attic. Blanket insulation comes in rolls or batts, so they’re easy to install by yourself. But this type only works for attics with evenly spaced beams and joists. The large space ensures that the batts of insulation fit the vents tightly for maximum efficiency.

If your attic has plenty of obstructions and very limited space, loose-fill insulation would be the better option.   The loose material easily stuffs tight spaces, effectively insulating even the smallest nooks and crannies of your attic.

Meanwhile, spray foam insulation offers the most impenetrable protection from drafts. With foam cells that expand, this insulation creates a solid barrier against air leakage. But unlike blanket insulation, spray foam requires professional tools and gear. Hire an insulation technician to make sure that the foam is installed properly.

Basement Air Sealing

To fully safeguard your house from the stack effect, insulate your basement as well for further protection from drafts.

Your crawlspace has a close relationship with your attic, since the two spaces push air in and out of your house. You need to air-seal both the top and bottom parts of your home to eliminate the sources of airflow.

The rim joists, or the lateral support of your entire floor, normally has plenty of holes for wires, pipes, HVAC lines, vents, and other utilities. Block these openings by caulking them. Air-seal the rest of the rim joist cavities with spray foam insulation. The expandability of spray foam ensures that every crevice in the joists are well insulated.

For most parts of your house, insulation is the optimal solution to air leakage. But insulation systems depend on your home’s foundation, style of construction, and the local climate. An experienced insulation contractor will help you determine which air leakage solution is best for your home.

A+ Service from A+ Insulation

A+ Insulation is a trusted insulation expert in Kansas City. Our team of experts will examine your house to locate the air leakage, so we can arrive at the best solution. We use only quality materials and tools, guaranteeing the longevity of your insulation.

Schedule an appointment today and have one of our consultants do a free, no-obligation home energy assessment. Contact us here.